
MAT 0144: College Readiness Math I (3)


A problem solving approach to the mathematics necessary for success in college level coursework. Emphasis on fluency and flexibility with numerical and algebraic reasoning.

MAT 0145: College Readiness Math II (3)


Prerequisite: A C- or better in MAT 0144 or Mathematics Placement Level A. A problem solving approach to the mathematics necessary for success in college level coursework. Includes analysis of graphical displays and further development of algebraic reasoning.

Prerequisites: MAT 0144: C- or better OR Math Placement Level: A or better

MAT 1010: College Algebra (3)


Explores inequalities and algebraic functions, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic.

Prerequisites: MAT 0145: C- or better OR Math Placement Level: B or better

MAT 1110: Precalculus (5)


Explores algebraic, circular and trigonometric equations and identities; and inequalities.

Prerequisites: Math Placement Level: B or better OR MAT 0145: C- or better

MAT 1221: Survey of Calculus (5)


An applications-oriented course with an intuitive approach, including introduction to both differential and integral calculus. Examples drawn from business, economics, biology, and the social and behavioral sciences. This course is not the prerequisite for 1235, nor can credit be received if 1234 or its equivalent has been taken.

Attributes: WK Quantitative Reasoning Prerequisites: MAT 1010: C- or better OR MAT 1110: C- or better OR Calculus Test Part 1: 08 or better OR Calculus Test Total: 13 or better OR SPU Calculus Placement Test: 11 or better

MAT 1234: Calculus I (5)


First course in calculus, emphasizing limits and derivatives of functions of one variable. Typically offered: Autumn and Winter Quarter.

Attributes: WK Quantitative Reasoning Prerequisites: MAT 1110: C- or better OR (Calculus Test Part 1: 08 or better OR Calculus Test Total: 13 or better OR SPU Calculus Placement Test: 13 or better) Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 1235: Calculus II (5)


Second course in calculus, emphasizing integral calculus of functions of one variable.

Prerequisites: MAT 1234: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 1236: Calculus III (5)


Third course in calculus. Includes parametric equations, polar coordinates, vectors, sequences, series, and Taylor expansions. Introduces multivariable calculus, including partial derivatives, double integrals, and triple integrals.

Prerequisites: MAT 1235: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 1300: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (5)


A course in statistical literacy emphasizing concepts and reasoning rather than in-depth coverage of traditional methods and formulas. Topics include data sources and sampling, strengths and limitations of basic experimental design, graphical and numerical summaries of data, and conceptual coverage of probability and statistical inference.

Attributes: WK Quantitative Reasoning Prerequisites: MAT 0145: C- or better OR Math Placement Level: B or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 1521: Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (5)


Explores topics that illustrate how mathematical methods and models permeate our economic, political, and personal lives. By investigation of diverse applications, a variety of problem-solving techniques will be introduced, including using the computer as a tool.

Attributes: WK Quantitative Reasoning Prerequisites: Math Placement Level: A or better OR MAT 0144: C- or better OR Math Placement Level: B or better OR MAT 0145: C- or better

MAT 1560: Numerical Reasoning (4)


The first in a three-course sequence, this course is a study of numerical reasoning through in-depth explorations of numeration systems, numerical properties and operations, concepts in number theory, and related topics in the history of mathematics. There is an emphasis on problem solving, standards of mathematical practice, and use of appropriate technologies such as calculators and interactive software. The content preparation for teaching K-8 mathematics based on the Common Core State Standards is stressed.

Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded. Prerequisites: Math Placement Level: A or better OR MAT 0144: C- or better OR Math Placement Level: B or better OR MAT 0145: C- or better

MAT 1720: Mathematics for Computer Science (5)


Explores set theory, number systems, logic, proof techniques, basics of counting, discrete probability, networks, digital logic, and digital systems.

Prerequisites: MAT 1010: C- or better OR MAT 1110: C- or better OR MAT 1234: C- or better OR Calculus Test Part 1: 08 or better OR Calculus Test Total: 13 or better

MAT 2200: Engineering Probability and Statistics (3)


Introduces students to concepts of probability and statistics along with methodology for applying these to engineering applications.

Equivalents: EGR 2200 Prerequisites: MAT 1235: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 2360: Introduction to Statistics for the Sciences (5)


Introduction to the practice of statistics with applications to the sciences. Topics include graphical and numerical summaries of data, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression, and one-way analysis of variance. Emphasis on applications, statistical reasoning, and data analysis using statistical software.

Attributes: WK Quantitative Reasoning Restrictions: Applied Human Biology, Applied Mathematics, Biochemistry, Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Ecology, Exercise Science, Food and Nutritional Sciences, Health and Fitness Education, Information Systems, Integrated Studies, Life Science, Mathematics, Nursing, Nursing-INT, Nutrition and Dietetics, Nutrition and Dietetics-INT, Physical Education, Physiology Majors only. Prerequisites: Math Placement Level: B or better OR MAT 0145: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 2401: Linear Algebra (3)


Studies vector spaces, matrices, and linear transformations.

Prerequisites: MAT 1235: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 2561: Statistical and Algebraic Reasoning (4)


The second in a three-course sequence, this course is a study of both algebraic and statistical reasoning through in-depth explorations of data, patterns, and related topics in the history of mathematics. There is an emphasis on problem solving, standards of mathematical practice, and use of appropriate technologies such as calculators and interactive software. The content preparation for teaching K-8 mathematics based on the Common Core State Standards is stressed.

Attributes: WK Quantitative Reasoning Prerequisites: MAT 1560: C- or better

MAT 2720: Discrete Mathematics (3)


Studies sets, logic, Boolean algebra, relations, functions, and graphs.

Prerequisites: MAT 1235: C- or better

MAT 2950: Special Topics in Mathematics (1)


Varied special topics in mathematics. See current Time Schedule for topic. Typically offered: Occasionally. May be repeated for credit 5 times.

MAT 3100: Introduction to Proof (1)


An introduction to the understanding and creation of mathematical proofs in an elementary setting. Topics may include elementary set theory functions and operations, mathematical induction. Credit cannot be received for this course if MAT 3749 has been taken.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 1235: C- or better OR MAT 2401: C- or better

MAT 3237: Differential Equations (3)


Studies general solutions of first and second order differential equations, Laplace transforms, and series solutions.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 1236: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 3238: Vector Calculus (3)


Additional study of multivariable and vector calculus, including vector-valued functions, vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Stoke's Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 1236: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 3333: Statistical Modeling (5)


A second course in applied statistics. This course builds on an introductory statistics course, providing students tools to perform more complex data analysis. Topics include linear and nonlinear regression, multiple regression, and analysis of variance. Statistical software will be used extensively. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 2200: C- or better OR EGR 2200: C- or better OR MAT 2360: C- or better OR BUS 2700: C- or better OR MAT 3360: C- or better

MAT 3360: Probability and Statistics (5)


Calculus based introduction to probability and statistics. Studies elementary probability, discrete and continuous probability distributions, expectation, moments, sampling distributions, central limit theorem, estimation, and hypothesis testing.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 1236: C- or better AND MAT 2360: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 3380: Introduction to Data Science (5)


An introduction to data science using R. This course provides an overview of concepts, skills, and technologies used for working with large, complex, and messy datasets. Provides an introduction to the full data workflow, from data acquisition and cleaning to exploration, analysis, visualization, and communication of final results. Explores ethical and social considerations inherent in working with "big data," including privacy, design, reproducibility, and bias. Using real-world datasets, students will explore, visualize, and pose questions about data.

Equivalents: DAT 3380 Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: (MAT 2360: C- or better OR PSY 2360: C- or better OR SOC 2360: C- or better OR CRIM 2360: C- or better OR BUS 2700: C- or better OR MAT 2200: C- or better OR EGR 2200: C- or better)

MAT 3401: Number Theory (3)


Studies topics of classical number theory including divisibility, primes and congruences. Typically offered: Autumn, Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 2720: D or better OR MAT 3100 can be taken concurrently: D or better

MAT 3442: Geometry (4)


Development of Euclidean geometry and consideration of axiomatic systems, transformations and non-Euclidean geometries. Exploration using technology and models. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 3749 can be taken concurrently: D or better OR (MAT 3562: D or better AND MAT 3100 can be taken concurrently: D or better)

MAT 3562: Geometric Reasoning (4)


The third in a three-course sequence, this course is a study of geometric reasoning with emphasis on depth of understanding and appropriate use of calculators and computer software. Investigations of mathematical topics include two- and three-dimensional geometry, measurement, proof appropriate for K-8 teachers, and associated history of mathematics. Common Core State Standards-based content preparation for teaching K-8 mathematics.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 2561: C- or better

MAT 3724: Applied Analysis (3)


Studies Fourier series, heat, wave, and Laplace's equations, separation of variables, and boundary value problems. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 3237: C- or better AND MAT 3238: C- or better

MAT 3730: Complex Variables (3)


Studies theory and applications of complex variables; analytic functions, integrals, and power series applications. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 3238: C- or better

MAT 3749: Introduction to Analysis (5)


Uses the axiomatic method to prove basic results from set theory and real analysis. Topics include functions, set cardinality, the real number system, and the topology of the real line.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Prerequisites: MAT 1236: C- or better AND (MAT 2720: C- or better OR MAT 3100 can be taken concurrently: C- or better)

MAT 3751: Real Analysis II (3)


Builds on the topics introduced in MAT 3749, including explorations of differentiation and integration. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 3749: C- or better

MAT 3899: Mathematical Writing (2)


This junior level course, intended for students who have completed at least 6 upper-division MAT credits, will explore various topics in mathematics, preparing students for mathematical research and writing in future projects and advanced studies. Students will learn the practice of mathematical writing and typesetting. Typically offered: Spring.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

MAT 4363: Mathematical Statistics (3)


Studies in greater depth continuous and discrete probability distributions, moment generating functions, probability-generating functions, transformations, and multivariate probability distributions. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 3360: C- or better

MAT 4402: Modern Algebra I (3)


Studies algebraic structures, including groups, rings, and fields.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Prerequisites: MAT 2401: C- or better AND MAT 3749: C- or better

MAT 4403: Modern Algebra II (3)


Continuation of MAT 4402. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 4402: C- or better

MAT 4725: Numerical Analysis (5)


Studies numerical integration, differentiation, solutions of systems of equations, and related topics. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 2401: C- or better AND MAT 3237: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 4830: Mathematical Modeling (5)


Focuses on construction and analysis of mathematical models for problems in the real world. The problems will be chosen from a variety of fields, including the biological and social sciences. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 2401: C- or better AND MAT 3237: C- or better AND MAT 3360: C- or better Fees: Mathematics Technology Fee (refundable)

MAT 4898: Senior Capstone Seminar (2)


This senior capstone course will explore the culture of mathematics through readings and classroom discussions. Students will reflect on and synthesize mathematical ideas within the context of a Christian worldview. Students are expected to have at least 9 UD credits of MAT courses prior to registering for Math Senior Capstone. Typically offered: Autumn.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Senior students only.

MAT 4899: Senior Capstone Seminar (3)


This senior capstone course will explore the culture of mathematics through readings and classroom discussions during the Autumn Quarter. Students will synthesize mathematical ideas within the context of a Christian worldview. The student will write a significant paper and make an oral presentation within the following two quarters.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman, Junior, Non-Matriculated, Sophomore students are excluded. Prerequisites: MAT 3899: D or better

MAT 4900: Independent Project/Design in Mathematics (1-3)


Individual project, library research, or laboratory research. A final written report or public presentation, such as at an undergraduate conference, of results is required. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: STEM & Social Sciences only. Freshman students are excluded.

MAT 4904: Independent Study in Mathematics (1-5)


Prerequisites: 6 credits in upper-division mathematics. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

MAT 4910: Mathematics Seminar (1-5)


Investigates topics of current interest through student reports. May be repeated for credit 5 times.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

MAT 4930: Practicum in Mathematics (1-5)


Practical experience in a supervised educational setting. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

MAT 4940: Internship in Mathematics (1-5)


Provides a significant learning experience to be obtained in a closely supervised work-study program. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Junior, Sophomore students are excluded.

MAT 4950: Special Topics in Mathematics (1-5)


Special Topics May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

MAT 4960: UG Mathematics Research (1-3)


The student will conduct research under the supervision of a mathematics faculty member. A final written report or public presentation, such as at an undergraduate conference, is required. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course