CSA - Crime Reporting Form

Please use this form to report any Clery Act crimes that have already occurred.
Please do not use this form to report an active threat/emergency.

Indicates required field
Are you reporting a Clery Act crime?
Please be as specific as possible, including the physical address if you are able to.
What Clery Act crime occurred?
Please select all relevant crimes you believe to have occurred.
You may ask yourself the following questions when writing your report to be as specific as possible: (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How) * Please note: Victims may maintain confidentiality; CSAs cannot
Was this Clery Act crime reported to other units?
Other units may include: CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Police Department, Office of Student Conduct & Case Resolution, Student Support & Case Management, Office of Institutional Equity & Compliance?