Response Online


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Next up: Romans.

During Spring Quarter 2011, Assistant Professor of Theology Daniel Castelo is guiding readers through this epistle at .

The Bible & Theology Toward Christian Maturity

Lectio: in Devonshire

Carolyn Paris Rowe '78 and her husband, David Rowe

You might think Carolyn "Pixie" Paris Rowe '78 would be too busy for , the new weekly online guided Bible reading offered by SPU's Center for Biblical and Theological Education. But as a licensed Church of England lay reader, she finds that making time for Lectio enriches her ministry.

Rowe serves with her husband, David Rowe, an Anglican priest and warden of Lee Abbey in Devon, U.K. The Abbey, an interdenominational Christian retreat center, hosts 8,000 people a year from all over the world. The couple also handles marketing and communications for the Abbey, and they preach regularly at area services and conferences. They have four children ages 14 to 27.

"Because the nature of our work is to seek to grow in Christ and share that with others," says Rowe, "I've found Lectio readings enriching, challenging, and pastoral. I can dip into them at my convenience.

"And now that I know I can listen to them as podcasts as well, you can be sure I'll be taking advantage of that!"