Brief reminders

  • Engineering Advisory Council meeting 4/24/2015, DLC
  • Engineering Awards Banquet on 4/24/2015, 6 pm Stadium Club
  • Faculty/Staff Recognition Event on 5/6/2015, 3:45 pm Idea Forge
  •  Engineering Recognition Ceremony on 5/8/2015, 9 am Coors

Admissions update

Applications, admissions, and confirmations are running 6%, 8%, and 2% ahead of last year at the same time. The lower yield this year is due to a higher fraction of nonresident students admitted. The confirmations include 32.5% women and 15.7% URMs, up from 25.4% women and 12.9% URMs at this time last year. The average composite ACT is 30.3 vs 29.8 last year. Most chairs reported that graduate confirmations are up, especially in CS.

Advising, orientation and persistence updates

Mary reported that we now have 16 full-time or part-time staff advisors for 14 undergraduate majors and OPEN, PREN and transfer students. Additional, drop-in and live-chat advising is provided by peer advocates. Orientation will take place throughout the summer, on-line with also optional on-campus visits. On-campus welcome will take place during the week before classes. See .

Professional master’s degrees update

New tuition rates apply to all ME students and distance MS students. There will be an opportunity to create new programs (ME or MS), which may either be separate degrees or subprograms within existing degrees) for Fall 2016.

Construction and renovation update

The program/design phase for renovations in the ECES and ECCE wings of the Engineering Center will take place this summer and fall, with construction in 2016. A faculty team has been selected to provide input.

Summer plans

There are no administrative council meetings planned for this summer. In August, they will start again and include a renovation update and planning for how we will cover the offices and labs that will be temporarily closed. Still, summer will be active with summer session, research, renovations, budget planning, student and faculty orientations, BOLD programming for high-school and incoming students, etc.


EEF major proposal decisions are expected this week. Interviews are underway for openings in the Engineering Advancement Team, and additional candidates are being sought. It was recommended that the Engineering Career Services Team put more focus on developing relationships with industry partners and jobs, in addition to its strong focus on students.

In attendance

Rob Davis, JoAnn Zelasko, Diane Sieber, Doug Smith, Mary Steiner, Sarah Miller, Scott Palo, Penny Axelrad. Dan Schwartz, Balaji Rajagopalan, Jim Martin, Bob Erickson, Clayton Lewis, Mark Gross