Published: March 16, 2017

Both the Environmental Engineering Graduate Program and the Civil Engineering Graduate Program were ranked in the top 25 in nation, says US News & World Report, which annually highlights the best universities in research and teaching across the country.

“This is an acknowledgement of the quality contributions of the faculty, students and staff.” said R. Scott Summers Environmental Engineering Program Director, “It is of course gratifying to be recognized at this level by our colleagues at other institutions , and it also inspires us to provide our students the best education possible.”

“The Graduate EVEN program is also one of the largest in the country with specializations in many areas.” added Professor Summers

U.S. News rankings are based on expert opinions about program excellence and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school’s faculty, research and students. The publication aims to provide a tool to students and parents who are comparing college programs at accredited public and private universities in the United States.