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Applications Open for Engineering For Change Fellowship

The E4C Research Fellowship is E4C’s workforce development program in social innovation serving to build engineering capacity and prepare local talent to solve local and global challenges and create knowledge as a public good. The Fellowship is designed for engineering students and/or early career engineers specialized in global development.

E4C will award up to thirteen (13) Research Fellowships in 2019. E4C is recruiting Fellows aligned to E4C’s target sectors (Energy, Health, Water, Agriculture, Habitat, Sanitation, Transport and ICT) and geographic regions of focus. The Fellows will be selected based on their academic performance, professional and Engineering for Global Development (EGD) experience, sector of specialization and references. It is E4C’s aim that the Research Fellowship will open opportunities and prepare future generations of technical professionals to design and deliver solutions that achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For more information about our Fellowship please visit:
Any questions related to the Fellowship may be directed to mariela@engineeringforchange.org

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