PhotoNameContact Information
Aleksander Berg Aleksander Berg
PhD Student of Geography • uantitative Social Science & Land Systems Science • M.A. in Geography Arizona State University & B.A. in Geography and Environmental Studies UCLA
Georgios Charisoulis Georgios Charisoulis
PhD Student of Geography • GIS • Environmenal Law & Energy/Sustainability
Ryan Erickson Ryan Erickson
MA Student of Geography • GIS and Machine Learning • Artificial Intelligence Techniques • Understanding Geospatial Uncertainty
Sepideh Jalayer Sepideh Jalayer
PhD Student of Geography • Remote Sensing • Geo AI • Machine Learning • Spatial Data Science • Environmental Monitoring • Sea Ice Mapping GIS • Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
Guiye Li Guiye Li
PhD Student of Geography • GIScience • Geo AI • Geostatistics • Spatial statistics • Remote Sensing
Caitlin McShane Caitlin McShane
PhD Student of Geography • Predictive Modeling • MA ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2020
Yuying Ren Yuying Ren
PhD student of Geography • Areas of Interest: GIS, Remote Sensing • MA University of Colorado Geography - 2021
Claire Simpson Claire Simpson
MA Student of Geography • Machine Learning • Spatial Data Science • Post-Fire Ecology • BA Geography/Environmental Studies from UCLA, 2018 • Remote Sensing of Vegetation
Kylen Solvik Kylen Solvik
PhD Student of Geography • Machine Learning • Remote Sensing • Human-Environment Interaction • Computer Vision • MA ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2020
Behzad Vahedi Behzad Vahedi
PhD Student of Geography • Machine Learning • Spatial Data Dcience • Geo AI • Geovisualization • Geographic Question Answering • MA from UC Santa Barbara, Geography, 2020
Zhongying (Steven) Wang Zhongying (Stephen) Wang
PhD Student of Geography • Geo AI • Machine Learning • Spatial data mining • Spatial data science • Geovisualization
Zhou Yu Zhou Yu
PhD student of Geography • Geostatistics • Remote sensing • Anthropogenic climate change • Climate extremes • Atmospheric science • MS, Cornell University
Yangchengsi Zhang Yangchengsi Zhang
PhD Student of Geography • Climate Change • Land use change • GeoAI • MA from Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Jiacheng (Raymond) Zhou Jiacheng (Raymond) Zhou
PhD Student of Geography • GIS • Remote Sensing • MA from Boston University

Human Geography

PhotoNameContact Information
David Bachrach David Fernando Bachrach
PhD Student of Geography • Development Geography • Urban Geography • Infrastructure Studies • Environment and society • Indonesia • Global China • MA from University of Oregon 2020
Human Geography
Xiaoling Chen Xiaoling Chen
PhD Candidate • Health Infrastructure • Science & Technology Studies • Digital Surveillance • Labor & Citizenship • China
Human Geography
Priscilla Corbett Priscilla (Pris) Corbett
PhD Student of Geography • Feminist Political Geography • Forest rights movements in India • MPhil from Oxford University
Human Geography
John Dzwonczyk John Dzwonczyk
PhD Student of Geography • MS, Pennsylvania State University (2016) • Geopolitics • Critical Geopolitics • Arctic
Human Geography
Sara Fleming Sara Fleming
MA Student of Geography • Housing and Climate Justice • Collective ownership of housing • BA from Colorado College, 2019
Human Geography
Drolma Gadou Drolma Gadou
PhD Student of Geography • Tibet • Women • Development • MA from ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2024
Human Geography
Jill Adler Grano Jill Adler Grano
MA Student of Geography • Affordable Housing • Institutional Investors/REITs in Housing • B.S. from William and Mary College
Human Geography
Hayes Hart-Thompson Hayes Hart-Thompson
MA Student of Geography • Urban Geography • Neighborhood & Community Health • Refugee Studies • Education in Protracted Crisis • B.A & a B.S from Boston University - Boston College
Human Geography
Naomi Hazarika Naomi Hazarika
PhD Student of Geography • Urban Geography • India • Informal Settlements • Housing
Human Geography
Annika Hirmke Annika Hirmke
PhD Student of Geography • Political Ecology • Decolonizing Geography • Renewable Energy Technology • Environmental Justice • Science and Technology Studies • MA University of Chicago, 2022
Human Geography
Viviana Huiliñir-Curio Viviana Huiliñir-Curio
PhD student of Geography • Critical Indigenous Studies • Decolonizing Geography • Geographies of Mobilities • Political Ecology in Latinoamerica • Critical Cartography • MA Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco-Chile, 2016
Human Geography
Alaric Kothapally Alaric Akhil Kothapally
PhD Student of Geography • Access to Water • Rights to the City • Citizenship • Delhi • M.A. from Ambedkar University of Delhi
Human Geography
Fan Li Fan Li
PhD Student of Geography • Law and space • Legal Geography • Political Economy • Property • Land • Natural Resources • Personal Data • MA from University of Oslo
Human Geography
Zhe Lin Zhe Lin
PhD Student of Geography • Medical Geography • MS from Aalborg University and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Human Geography
Kate Little Kate Little
MA student of Geography • Health Geography • GIS • Injury Prevention • Suicide • Firearms • Mental Health Access • GIS Certification, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, 2021 • BA University of Montana, Missoula, 2013
Human Geography
Diego Melo photo portrait Diego Melo
PhD Candidate in Geography • Extractivism and Dispossession • Political Ecology • Ethno-Territorial Rights • Marxist, feminist, and queer theories • Colombia • Latin America
Human Geography
Francis Naylor photo portrait Francis Naylor
Phd Student of Geography • Former Soviet Union • Remote Sensing • Spatial Perception • Religion and Ethnic Spatial Conflict • Political Geography
Human Geography
Fedor Popov Fedor Popov
PhD Student of Geography • Political Geography
Human Geography
Sarah Posner photo portrait Sarah Posner
PhD Student of Geography • Human Geography • Spatial Statistics • M.A. ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2019
Human Geography
Juan Ramirez Juan Ramirez
PhD Student of Geography • Occupational Justice • Health Disparities • Food Studies • Migration Studies • Transnationalism • Cultural Geographies • M.S. in Occupational Therapy, Thomas Jefferson University 2011
Human Geography
Maren Roeske Maren Roeske
MA Student of Geography • Carceral geographies • Political geography • liberation/resistance space • BA from McGill University
Human Geography
Shelby Ross Shelby Ross
PhD Student of Geography • Environmental Health • Climate Change • Human Impacts • Water Quality • Air Quality
Human Geography
Mallory Sagehorn Mallory Sagehorn
PhD Student of Geography • Health Geography • Social Epidemiology • Third Places • MA CU Denver, 2021
Human Geography
Lars Schwaebe Lars Schwaebe
PhD Student of Geography • Africa • Climate Change • Conflict • Migration • Political Geography • MA from Columbia University
Human Geography
Neda Shaban Neda Shaban
PhD student • Political Geography
Human Geography
Anshul Sharma Anshul Sharma
PhD Student of Geography • Human Geography • Legal geographies • Politics of sustainability • Global South • MA from National Law School of India
Human Geography
Gabriella Subia Smith Gabriella Subia Smith
PhD Student of Geography • Congressional Redistricting in Colorado • Legal Geography • Critical Cartography • Decolonizing Geography • MA ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2018
Human Geography
Matthew Woodland Matthew Woodland
MA Student of Geography • Health and Medical Geography • Natural Disasters • BA from ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ
Human Geography

Physical Geography

PhotoNameContact Information
Virgil Alfred Virgil Alfred
MA Student of Geography • Fluvial Geography • Geomorphology • Land Surface Dynamics • BA from Dartmouth College
Physical Geography
Ethan Carr Ethan Carr
PhD Student of Geography • Cryosphere • Climate Change • Glaciology • Sea Ice • MA from ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2024
Physical Geography
Sydney Carr Sydney Carr
PhD Student of Geography • Alpine Hydrology • Snow Science • Climate Change • Upper Colorado River Basin • MS from University of Washington
Physical Geography
Zaria Cast Zaria Cast
MA Student of Geography • Polar Climate • BS from University of Tennessee at Martin, 2023
Physical Geography
Jonathon Cavitt Jonathon Cavitt
PhD Student of Geography • Climatology • Arctic Climate • Sea Ice Dynamics • Sea level affect of climate change on weather pattern
Physical Geography
Rachel Chai Rachel Chai
PhD Student of Geography • Biogeography and entomology • MA ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2017
Physical Geography
Max Cook Max Cook
MA Student of Geography • Natural Resource Management • Remote Sensing
Physical Geography
Colin Gilbert Colin Gilbert
MA Student of Geography • Arctic System • Geomorphology • Glaciology • Snow Hydrology • BA from George Washington University
Physical Geography
Taylor Johaneman Taylor Johaneman
PhD student of Geography • MA 2022, CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ • Fluvial geomorphology • B.S. from University of Denver
Physical Geography
Bella Kamplain Bella Kamplain
MA Student of Geography • Climatology • Hydrology • Sustainability • Forestry • Soil Science • Environmental Law and Policy • BS from University of Missouri
Physical Geography
Eric Kennedy Eric Kennedy
MA Student of Geography • Snow Hydrology and Water Resources • Ecohydrology • Natural Resources Policy/Management • B.S. Seattle University
Physical Geography
Theodore (Theo) Kuhn Theodore (Theo) Kuhn
MA student of Geography • Hydrology • Climate change • Yale University
Physical Geography
Yanxiao Liu Yanxiao (Sherrie) Liu
PhD Student of Geography • Large-scale terrestrial carbon cycle and climate feedbacks • Atmospheric inversion • Amazon Basin • MS from Peking University
Physical Geography
Christopher McNabb Christopher McNabb
PhD student of Geography • Headwater stream dynamics • Ecohydrology • Ecological engineering • Ohio State University
Physical Geography
Jennifer Morse Jennifer Morse
MA student of Geography • Snow hydrology • ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ
Physical Geography
Mia Murray Mia Murray
PhD Student of Geography • Climate Change • Land Use • MA from George Washinton University
Physical Geography
Christopher Picard Christopher Picard
MA Student of Geography • Remote sensing of the cryosphere • Glaciology • Sea ice • Dartmouth College
Physical Geography
Maddy Rich Madeline (Maddy) Rich
MA Student of Geography • Hydrology • Climatology • BS from Cornell University
Physical Geography
Holly Roth Holly Roth
PhD student of Geography • Lake-Atmosphere Interactions • Boundary Layer Meteorology • Water Resources Sciences • MA Student of Geography, 2021
Physical Geography
Michela Savignano Michela Savignano
MA Student of Geography • Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere • Glaciology • Hydrology • BS Brown University
Physical Geography
Patrick Saylor Patrick Saylor
MA Student of Geography • Snow • Hydrological Science • B.S. from Dartmouth
Physical Geography
Erika Schreiber Erika Schreiber
Ph.D. Student of Geography • Climatology • Cryosphere
Physical Geography
Millie Spenser Millie Spencer
PhD Student of Geography • Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) • Mountain Hydrology Group • Glaciology • Traditional Ecological Knowledge • Multiple Evidence Based Science • Interdisciplinary Research • B.S. Oxford University
Physical Geography
Nic Tarasewicz Nic Tarasewicz
PhD Student of Geography • Climate Change Refugia • Ecosystem Services • Biogeochemical Cycling in Mountain Forests • MS from Lund University 2021
Physical Geography
Lauren Thomas Lauren Thomas
MA Student of Geography • Geomorphology • Hydrology • Arctic studies • B.S. Environmental Science and Policy, University of Maryland
Physical Geography
Emma Tyrrell Emma Tyrrell
PhD Student of Geography • Snow Hydrology • SWE • Western US Water Forecasting • MA from Penn State University
Physical Geography
Josie Welsh Josie Welsh
MA student of Geography • Fluvial ecogeomorphology • BS, University of Minnesota
Physical Geography
Rahila Yilangai Rahila Yilangai
PhD student of Geography • Ecohydrology • Transpiration • Interaction between vegetation and hydrological processes
Physical Geography


PhotoNameContact Information
Phurwa Gurung Phurwa Gurung
PhD Student of Geography • Political Ecology • Development • Indigenous Geographies • Nepal and the Himalayas • MA University of Colorado, 2020
Lauren Herwehe Kim Lauren Herwehe
PhD Student of Geography • Natural Resource Conflict & Cooperation • Climate Vulnerability & Adaptation • Remote Sensing • Political Geography • MA from University of Arizona, 2014
Shruthi Jagadeesh Shruthi Jagadeesh
PhD Student of Geography • MA ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2020 • Political Ecology • Development • Indigenous Communities • Conservation
Danyan Leng Danyan Leng
PhD Student of Geography • Ecology • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation • Environmental Data Science • Environmental and Natural Resource Economics • MEM from Yale University
Tsering Lhamo Tsering Lhamo
PhD Student of Geography • Political Ecology • Natural Resource Commodification • Global Health
Emma Loizeaux Emma Loizeaux
PhD Student of Geography • Political Ecology • International climate governance • Science and technology studies • China • Carbon capture and storage • MA, ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, Geography, 2022
Tyler McIntosh Tyler McIntosh
PhD Student of Geography • Natural resource management • Land systems science • Disturbance ecology • Human-environment interactions • Environmental data science • Remote sensing • Causal inference • MS from Stanford University
Matthew Miller Matthew Miller
PhD Student of Geography • Social Vulnerability and Resilience
Prakriti Mukerjee Prakriti Mukerjee
PhD Student of Geography • Political Ecology • Forest Policy • Community-based Forest Management • Post-colonial • India • Himalayas
Esmee Mulder Esmee Mulder
PhD Student of Geography • Indigenous knowledge • Africa • Pastoralism • Critical international Development studies • Decolonization • Using remote sensing for evidence-based advocacy of marginalized communities • MSc from Technical University of Delft
Luca Anna Palasti Luca Anna Palasti
PhD Student of Geography • MA 2021 • Human-Environment Interactions • Environmenal Economics • Decision Making • Risk Management
Emma Rieves Emma Rieves
PhD Student in Geography • Public health • Environmental and equity modeling and analyses of climate policies • MA ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, 2022
Tenzin Yangkey Tenzin Yangkey
PhD student of Geography • Political ecology • Trans-Himalaya tourism • Land-use changes • Climate change • BS, University of Arizona