Section 9: Admission to Candidacy
Master’s Degree
A student who wishes to be granted a graduate degree must become a candidate for a master’s degree. To become a candidate all students must file an “Application for Admission to Candidacy” with the Graduate School no later than the posted graduation deadlines during the semester in which they plan to have their degree conferred.
Application must be made on forms available in the Graduate School and appropriate departments, and must be signed by the major department, certifying that a student’s work is satisfactory and that the program outlined in the application meets the requirements set for the student.
Doctoral Degree
A student must formally apply for Admission to Candidacy for the doctoral degree on forms supplied by the Graduate School when completing the comprehensive examination. Before being admitted to candidacy a student must have at least three semesters of fulltime registration and pass the comprehensive examination.
Last updated July 2023