Ava Spangler image
BS Graduate
Engineering Plus • Environmental Engineering

Ava is an undergraduate Discovery Learning Apprentice working on the Sustainable Wash Systems (SWS) Learning Partnership, co-advised by assistant directors of the Mortensen Center in Global Engineering, Dr. Karl Linden and Dr. Amy Javernick-Will. Ava previously participated in research on biomedical drug delivery pathways for individuals with asthma at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, and is eager to continue doing research through her undergraduate career. She is studying Environmental Engineering though the E+ program, and exploring a concentration in geology or global engineering. Ava is now working with the SWS team on analyzing interview and other qualitative data that will culminate in a cross-case comparison demonstrating pathways to successful preventative maintenance services in Uganda.

Ava is from the Pikes Peak area, and is on her second year of study at CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ. Outside of school, Ava is a member of the CU freestyle ski team, an avid runner, biker and hiker, and a low-quality baker. She is excited to work with the SWS team this year and learn more about qualitative research and engineering opportunities with international impacts.Â