From the President
Easter Greetings
As we enter into Holy Week and await Sunday’s Easter celebration, I’m grateful for this season of hope. Though we come from many faith traditions at Seattle Pacific, together we rejoice in Jesus’ promise: “Because I live, you will live too.” (John 14:19)
I pray that each of you will experience this deep, living hope we have in Christ. As described by Pastor Mark Abbott in this , ours is a way of life shaped by the story of Jesus — his birth, death, resurrection, and ascension — and lived out as we are “clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49). May God abundantly bless you and our University this Easter season.
Here's a short .
Campus News & Events
Good Friday Worship Service
A message from University Ministries: The SPU community is invited to a short worship service in recognition of Good Friday on March 30, 12:30 p.m. at First Free Methodist Church. Please join us as we reflect on the meaning of the crucifixion in our daily lives through prayer, song, and scripture. We'll be focusing on the seven final sayings of Jesus from throughout the Gospels.
University Chaplain Candidate Rev. Samuel Kim – March 26-28
A message from the University Chaplain Search Committee: We will welcome the first of two University Chaplain finalists, Rev. Samuel Kim, to campus this week. Rev. Kim has been the English associate pastor at Full Life Christian Center in San Francisco for five years. He received his BA from the University of British Columbia; two master’s degrees, from Regent College and Wesley Theological Seminary; and a diploma in Popular Music and Studio Technology from the Liverpool Institute of Fine Arts. Rev. Kim has taught and/or ministered in Korea, Japan, the U.K., Canada, and the U.S., and has served as a pastor at Foursquare, Assemblies of God, and United Methodist congregations.
We would love to hear feedback from faculty and staff! There are two ways to engage with the candidate this week:
Open House/Coffee Chat – Wednesday, March 28, 10–11 a.m., Gazebo Room
This is an informal time for faculty and staff to grab a cup of coffee and join the candidate, along with current University Chaplain Bo Lim, for conversation, questions, and engagement.
Public Presentation – Homily/Q&A – Wednesday, March 28, 3–4 p.m., Demaray Chapel, First Free Methodist Church (lower level)
This is a more formal time for the candidate to introduce himself, to give a 20-minute homily, and to engage in a Q&A with faculty, staff, and students. There will be a chance to give formal feedback following this time.
Faculty, Staff Welcome to Community Bible Study With Professor Dave Nienhuis
Each quarter, the School of Theology offers a 2-credit Community Bible Study class for the SPU community. In this class (THEO 3100), faculty, staff, and students gather to read Scripture with an eye to its role in the formation of Christian life. A new book or theme is explored each quarter, and the Spring Quarter study is on 1, 2, and 3 John. The class will be taught by Professor of New Testament Studies Dave Nienhuis, and will meet on Wednesdays, 4–6 p.m. For more information, contact Professor of Theology Doug Koskela at kosked@spu.edu or 206-281-2261. Come and join us!
Weter Lecture: The Artists Will Be My Priests: A Theology of the Iconic Body
For the annual on Tuesday, April 3, Associate Professor of TheologyBrian Bantum will explore how the implicit theology of the icon shaped an understanding of what it means to be human and who could reflect God’s image. The lecture begins at 7 p.m. in Upper Gwinn Commons. This annual lecture provides a public platform in which the claims of the liberal arts in the Christian university are espoused.
Faculty, Staff Get First Chance for Tickets to Hear Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist Nicholas Kristof
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof will discuss the moral challenge of global gender equity at Seattle Pacific’s annual Downtown Business Breakfast on Friday, April 20, 7–8:45 a.m., at the Westin Seattle. Kristof is a New York Times columnist, best-selling co-author of several books with his wife, Sheryl WuDunn, including . For the first time, tickets will be sold for this previously invitation-only event. Before tickets go on sale to the general public, faculty and staff have the first chance to buy them online. Tickets are $50, and the event is expected to sell out quickly.
Campus Dining Pilot Program for Faculty, Staff: Choose to Reuse Program
A message from Campus Dining: We are launching a pilot program for meals-to-go in Gwinn Commons. Here’s how the “Choose to Reuse” (CTR) program works. Visit for more information.
- Join the program by purchasing a Choose to Reuse (CTR) container or clip for $5 from the cashier in Gwinn Commons Dining Hall. Purchases can be made with points.
- Purchase your meal in Gwinn and trade your clip with the cashier to receive a sanitized CTR container.
- Review the program rules sheet and fill your CTR container with your meal.
- Exit, eat, and enjoy! After selecting your meal, collect your compostable utensils by the cashier station, exit the dining hall, and enjoy your to-go meal.
- Remove, return, and repeat: Remove or wipe out leftover food from the container. Drop it off in the return bin at Gwinn Dining Hall, C-Store, or Bertona Street Grill and collect a clip from the cashier to repeat steps 2-5.
Seeking Part-time and Full-time Riders
A message from Heather Eide, office and transportation manager: We are currently in need of both part-time and full-time Vanshare riders who want to meet at King Street Station and share a van ride to or from SPU. If you’re looking for alternative commuting options, we have groups that leave King Street Station between 6 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. Contact Office Manager of Safety, Security, and Transportation Heather Eide at eideh@spu.edu with your work schedule to coordinate a ride.
Learn About Dining Specials
A message from Campus Dining: We want you to be the first to know about our specials and deals. Join SPU Dining’s MyDTXT to receive texts from dining on flash sales, limited time offers, news, and more! Text #spudining to 82257 to subscribe today.
Camp Casey Summer Reservation Requests Now Open
Summer reservation requests are now being taken for the Faculty/Staff House at Camp Casey Conference Center on Whidbey Island. The dates of stay are June 11 through September 24, 2018. Reservation requests are due by April 6. Summer requests are based on years of service to SPU and past summer stays at Casey. Employees are ranked by their years of service as verified by Human Resources.Once the ranking is developed, the past summer stay history is cross checked. If you have stayed at Casey during the summer, your ranking is replaced with the years it has been since your stay at Casey. If you have questions, contact Camp Casey at 866-661-6604. .
Learn About the New Information Studies Minor
Beginning Autumn Quarter 2018, the library will offer a new . Learn more about this program — which explores the dynamic relationships between information, technology, and people — on Friday, April 13, 12–1:30 p.m., in the Library Seminar Room. A light lunch will be provided.
Discussion on the Film Black Panther
Faculty and staff are invited to a discussion of the film, Black Panther, on Friday, April 6, 12:30–1:30 p.m. in Weter 202. The discussion will be led by Associate Professor of Theology Brian Bantum, and hosted by Jeffrey Overstreet, adjunct English faculty member.
Spring Quarter Spanish Conversation Table
The Spanish Conversation Table is open to anyone who wants to speak with others in Spanish. Beginners are welcome. The table meets Fridays, 11 a.m.–12 p.m., in Marston 252. Bring your lunch and join us! If you have questions, email adjunct faculty member Vilma Illanes at villanes@spu.edu. Bienvenidos a la Mesa de Español!
Housing Sign-Up Changes
A message from Student Life and University Services: Throughout this year, a number of campus offices have met to discuss solutions that address concerns regarding available housing for third- and fourth-year students, while also taking our current housing inventory into consideration. We want to be sure that this decision was communicated to all of our campus community who engage with and support our student body. We want to build on Seattle Pacific’s commitment to being a residential campus and provide programming that meets students’ educational and developmental needs.
With that in mind, University Services and Student Life have adapted the housing sign-up process for the coming year as follows:
- Eligibility for housing options will be based on the year that a student graduated from high school. This benchmark eliminates variances in age and class that can sometimes be present with students entering SPU at the same time.
- Eligibility to live in SPU’s Campus Houses and Apartment (CHA) will be reserved for students who graduated from high school two or more years ago. For this spring, anyone who graduated in 2016 or earlier will be eligible to enter into the CHA sign-up process or to return to the residence halls.
- Students who graduated from high school last year (2017) will be eligible to return to the residence halls.
Housing Services can be contacted with process-related questions at housing@spu.edu or 206-281-2188. Questions about residential life programming can be addressed at reslife@spu.edu or 206-281-2043.
School of Education’s Spring Newsletter
The spring issue of On Point, the School of Education’s e-newsletter, includes a column by SOE Dean Rick Eigenbrood titled "Final Reflections: ‘One Size Fits All’ No Longer Applies in Teacher Education," and information on an international conference in August titled "Education for Excellence, Diversity, and Respect."
Stationery Orders Due April 3
You have until 9:59 a.m. on Tuesday, April 3, to have stationery orders delivered on April 13. Stationery orders are delivered once a month. Orders made after 10 a.m. on April 3 will be delivered May 11. To see deadlines and delivery dates for the remainder of the fiscal year, visit the “Create an Order” stationery page in Banner. For more information, contact Hope McPherson in University Communications at hmcpherson@spu.edu.
Staff Payroll and Benefit Changes?
The 10th of each month is the last day to make changes to your upcoming payroll check. Do you need to add or remove your spouse and/or children from your health care plans? If so, contact Human Resources (HR) to complete the appropriate form. Changes might include events that are expected to impact your benefits and deductions, such as your spouse or children gaining or losing coverage due to employment, birth, marriage, etc. Additionally, any changes you wish to make to your 403(b) account contributions must be made by the 10th of the month. For changes to your 403(b) account, contact Transamerica Retirement Solutions at 1-888-676-5512 (5 a.m.–6 p.m. PST), or 1-800-755-5801. If you have any other benefits-related changes, call Mardeth Hughes in HR at 206-281-2816.
Faculty/Staff Bulletin Deadline
The Faculty/Staff Bulletin is published every week during the academic year. If you have information or event news, send it as soon as possible to Bulletin editor Tracy Norlen at fsb-editor@spu.edu. Submissions may be edited for clarity. The next deadline is Thursday, April 5. The next Bulletin will be published Monday, April 9.
Faculty & Staff News
Staff Member of the Month: Alexis Cruikshank
In recognition of her service to the SPU community, Director of University Services Alexis Cruikshank was nominated by her peers and selected by Staff Council as the March Staff Member of the Month. Congratulations and thank you, Alexis! Learnmore about Alexis anda colleague for recognition on the Staff Council website.
Tom’s Article Published
An article co-authored by Assistant Professor of Sociology Joshua Tom was published in the April issue of Journal of Family Issues (Volume 39, Issue 6, April 2018). The article, titled "Parenting Practices and Attitudes and the Role of Belief in Supernatural Evil: Results From a National U.S. Survey.” was co-authored with Brandon Martinez (Providence College), Todd Ferguson (University of Mary Hardin-Baylor), Brita Andercheck (Southern Methodist University) and Samuel Stroope (Louisiana State University). Using data from the Baylor Religion Survey, they found that religious differences in parenting practices are essentially reducible to variation in belief in supernatural evil. They suggest that parents with greater belief in supernatural evil engage in practices of “supernatural risk management,” — utilizing parenting orientations and practices associated with obedience and control to counter the potential influence of supernatural antagonists.
Ferreiro Gives Lecture
Alberto Ferreiro, professor of European history, gave a lecture titled "Popular Devotions/Sacramentals" for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Bothell on March 18. The talk was an introduction to the rich treasure of popular devotions in the Catholic Church, with reference to some from Orthodoxy that deepen our understanding of the sacraments and draws a believer closer to the Holy Trinity.
Murg Presents Paper, Attends International Conference
Assistant Professor of Political Science and Director of Global Development Studies Brad Murg presented his paper, "The New Tokyo Strategy: Aid Effectiveness and Sustainability in the Mekong Region," at the conference "Mekong-Japan Cooperation: Progress and Challenges Since 2015." The conference was supported by the the Embassy of Japan. While in Phnom Penh, Brad also was invited to participate in the conference "Perspectives sur la Francophonie Cambodgienne," organized by the French government, as representative of Le réseau national des pôles régionaux d’innovation du Québec. Brad also gave a lecture at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung on contemporary development theory to the current young fellows cohort of the Cambodia Future Forum, where he serves on the Board of Advisers.
Woodward Presents Paper
At the Pacific Northwest Historians Guild conference on March 3 at the Seattle Central Library, Emeritus Professor of History Bill Woodward gave a paper titled "In Search of a Region’s Personality: Developmental Stages in the Pacific Northwest." In his role as president of the Guild, Bill also served as host, master of ceremonies, and member of the program committee. Three SPU history majors joined an invitation-only table discussion of their research, initiated under Bill’s auspices last fall.
This Month in the Garden
Fragrant Early Bloomers
A message from SPU Master Gardener Jeff Daley: For fair weather gardeners who can't wait to transitionfrom the cold, rainy, and dark days of winter and have a longing to jump right into spring — the fragrance of early blooming plants isa welcome sign.
The sweet fragrance wafting up from such early bloomers catches us by surprise and grabs the senses. Flowers often seem particularly pungent in cool winter air, and as smells are intricately connected to our emotions. They can evoke feelings of both nostalgia and excitement.
Here area fewof my favorite blooming plants: Sarcococca ruscifolia (the sweet box); Hamamelis mollis (the witch hazel); Mahonia bealei (the Leatherleaf mahionia); and Cornus mas (the Cornelian cherry).
Sarcococca is a fantastic evergreen shrub that will thrive in shaded areas when other plants won't. It looks pretty much the same all year long. It only grows a coupleinches annually, which can be pruned to your desired shape without stressing it out. Most importantly, plant Sarcococca near the front door of your home whereitspungentfragrance will welcome you in, rather than the back yard, where you might not spend as much time when it's cold out. You'll not want to miss this fragrant harbinger of spring.
Next is the witch hazel. Thoughwe dohave a few planted on campus, the bestplace to enjoy themin abundance is the winter garden at the . The mass plantings of Hamamelishave reached a mature size, and you can walk through a near tunnel of yellow flowering branches with an incomparable fragrance.
Mahonias, with their bright yellow-colored flowers, add hope for the oncoming spring days. Several of the Mahonias are nativeto our area.Other varieties are found in eastern Asia and the Himalayas.As a landscape plant, they offer several good qualities. Because they are anevergreen shrub,meaning they don't lose their leaves in the fall, they look pretty much the same year round. Because of their early bloom time, the bright yellow blossoms are a great food source for our resident hummingbirds which don't fly south for the winter. Mahonias fragrance is slight and you will need to get close to appreciate it.
Lastly, next time you're nearby, do take a look at the Cornelian cherry plantedon the north side of Weter Hall just as you enter the courtyard. Not only does its fragrance create a welcoming atmosphere, but the tree is visually stunning in full bloom, and makes for a great photo op with the Demaray Hall clock tower.
These are just a few of my personal favorites. Keep in mind that there are a variety of early blooming shrubs and trees you can choose from that will delight your senses as we welcome spring.
(Select the link to see photos of these four plants.)