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From the President

President Dan Martin
Prayers for President Emeritus Phil Eaton

I want to let the SPU community know that we received word that President Emeritus Phil Eaton underwent heart valve replacement and bypass surgery late last week. We're told his condition is improving with hopes that he will be able to be discharged from the hospital in the next few days. Sharon and the family are grateful for the prayers for Phil as well as the apparent success of the surgery and the positive prognosis for him. Please continue to keep him in your prayers as he continues to heal. 

Cards and well wishes can be sent to the Eaton’s at 112 S. Orange Grove Blvd, #109, Pasadena, CA 91105.

Campus News & Events

Scarf and Bowtie with SPU Logo
Ordering new swag? Here are the UC recommended vendors

University Communications has created a  of trusted vendors for apparel, stickers, awards, and other items. These vendors are familiar with SPU’s color and logo requirements. Campus departments are free to use other vendors.

SPU Flame
Need to use the new logo?

University Communications has created a explaining the do’s and don’ts of using the new visual identity, as well as a way to download the images. If you have any questions, call University Communications at 206-281-2051 or send an email to brand@spu.edu.

SPU notecards with SPU Logo
New stationery vendor

«Ƶ now uses Quality Press for campus stationery orders. Through Quality Press, you will access a “Storefront,” allowing 24/7 ordering. Business cards ordered by Thursday at 6 p.m. will be delivered the following Wednesday. Allow five to seven business days for all other orders. Note: Orders will be delivered to Mailing Services and to your office via your normal campus mail delivery. Go to Banner >> Employee Menu >> Stationery Products Menu >> Create an Order.

Survey of university productivity tools

A message from Computer and Information Systems: Are you interested in learning more about creating and managing Wiki spaces, using OneNote, navigating SharePoint, or similar software? Join us for a 30-minute, CIS-led survey of university productivity tools on Wednesday, August 28, or Thursday, August 29. .

Van Pool
Vanpool riders needed ASAP

If you want to drive less this year and try an alternative means of transportation, we have immediate openings in our Shoreline/Mountlake Terrace, Kirkland, and Lynnwood rideshares. Please contact our Transportation Manager for more information at eideh@spu.edu.

Van pool
Questions about joining a vanpool?

The South Kirkland Park and Ride Vanpool would like to invite you to a Vanpool Information Brownbag on Tuesday, August 20, 12–1 p.m. in Marston 253. If you are interested in learning more about vanpooling, please join us. If you have questions, email Marilyn Hancock mhancock@spu.edu or Lynn Anselmi lynnanselmi@spu.edu. We will have homemade chocolate chip cookies to share.

Dome Mosque
Holy Land Tour Led by the Free Methodist Church, Pacific Northwest Conference

A message from Dr. Matt Whitehead, superintendent of the Pacific Northwest Conference/bishop-elect of the Free Methodist Church-USA, and tour host: We’d like to invite you to join us for the trip of a lifetime. Come experience where Jesus walked, as well as encourage those who live there today and walk with Jesus. The trip is scheduled for January 26–February 8, 2020. The all-inclusive price includes roundtrip coach airfare from Seattle, four-star hotels in each location, breakfast and dinner, all tips and site entrance fees, and more. There is limited space available. If interested, we encourage you to visit our  for information on the cost, itinerary, FAQs, and a link to a sign-up form. The tour logistics coordinators are Cathy Tastad and Dean Kato. We'd love to have you join us on this journey!

Bloodworks Northwest logo
Blood drive August 9

Bloodworks Northwest will host a blood drive on campus Friday, August 9 , 9 a.m.–3 p.m. near the entrance of Tiffany Loop. .

University Services
Simply-To-Go meals offered in Corner Place Market

A message from University Services: To better meet summer dining needs, we have closed Cocina del Sol and replaced it with our Simply-To-Go (STG) meal program. STG, which is typically discontinued in the summer, is now offered Monday–Friday in the Corner Place Market. A variety of STG salads, sandwiches, and side dishes will be offered daily.

10th of the month
Staff payroll and benefits changes due August 10

The 10th of each month is the last day to make changes to your upcoming payroll check. Do you need to add or remove your spouse and/or children from your health care plans? If so, contact Human Resources (HR) to complete the appropriate form. Changes might include events that are expected to impact your benefits and deductions, such as your spouse or children gaining or losing coverage due to employment, birth, marriage, etc. Additionally, any changes you wish to make to your 403(b) account contributions must be made by the 10th of the month. For changes to your 403(b) account, contact Transamerica Retirement Solutions at 1-888-676-5512 (5 a.m.–6 p.m. PST), or 1-800-755-5801. If you have any other benefits-related changes, call Mardeth Hughes in HR at 206-281-2816.

Faculty/Staff Bulletin on summer schedule. Next issue August 19.

The Faculty/Staff Bulletin is published every other week during the summer. If you have information or event news, send it as soon as possible to Bulletin editor Tracy Norlen at fsb-editor@spu.edu. Submissions may be edited for clarity. The next deadline is Thursday, August 15. The next Bulletin will be published Monday, August 19.

Faculty & Staff News

Mary Jayne Allen
Allen named August 2019 Staff Member of the Month

Staff Council is honored to announce the August Staff of the Month — Mary Jayne Allen, associate director of Learning Services. Mary Jayne was nominated by her peers and selected by Staff Council as the August Staff Member of the Month in recognition of her cultivation of strong relationships across campus and her leadership and organization in supporting students. We invite you to join us in thanking and congratulating Mary Jayne!

and nominate a colleague for recognition on the Staff Council website.

Randy Beavers
Beavers’ book review

Randy Beavers, assistant professor of finance, published a book review for in the Summer 2019 edition of Christian Scholar's Review.

Paulus gives presentation

Michael Paulus, university librarian and assistant provost for educational technology, presented a paper on “Artificial Intelligence and the Apocalyptic Imagination” at the annual meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation at Wheaton College (Illinois) in July An abstract and slides are available from his SelectedWorks site at .

SPU Arch
Welcome, new staff members

The Office of Human Relations would like to welcome the following new employees:

Matt Alvis, benefits manager, Human Resources
Gabriela Batista, communications officer/dispatcher, Safety and Security
Kat Berg, admissions counselor, Undergraduate Admissions
Haley Doerfler, assistant volleyball coach, Athletics
Annie Kilpatrick, administrative assistant, Faculty Life
Kaytianna McMillan, assistant gymnastics coach, Athletics
Luke Miller, assistant athletic trainer, Athletics
Shelly Ngo, Response and SPU Voices editor, University Communications

Alexander Hall
New staff appointments

The Office of Human Resources would like to congratulate the following staff on their new appointments:

Allie Bautista, campus program coordinator–Orientation, Office of Student Involvement and Leadership
Yikhwan Dillard, assistant director, Office of Student Involvement and Leadership
Chloe Hays, program coordinator, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Sarah Marshall, head gymnastics coach, Athletics
Brittany Saddler, donor relations and stewardship manager, University Advancement

SPU in the News

Mark Reid
Reid quoted in article

Mark Reid, director of Safety and Security, was recently quoted in Campus Security and Life Safety’s article, “.”

Bradley Murg Portrait
Murg quoted in several news stories, op-eds published

Opinion pieces by Brad Murg, assistant professor of political science and director of global development studies, were published in the Nikkei Asian Review (exploring the ) and in the Phnom Penh Post (油ԾԲ in the NGO sector). Three op-eds were published in the Asia Times, discussing the ongoing crisis in ); toward Cambodia; and the place of  in European Union trade policy. 

Murg was also interviewed and quoted by Voice of America’s Cambodian language service for his views as to the current issues in U.S.-Cambodian relations and implications for the future of the currently pending in the U.S. Senate. He was also quoted in Fibre2Fashion’s article “,” about the European Union’s investigation of allegations on human rights in Cambodia’s garment industry.


Professor Emeritus Paul Lepse

Alumnus Paul Lepse '58, professor emeritus of chemistry who taught at SPU for 39 years, passed away on July 19. Paul was the uncle of Dan Lepse, assistant athletic director and sports information director in Athletics.

Paul served as chair of the Chemistry Department for ten years. He helped developed the entire laboratory curriculum in organic chemistry and coauthored the lab manual in preparatory chemistry. He maintained a scholarly interest in quantum chemistry, chaos theory, and the intersection of issues in Christian faith and science. 

He was known for generously giving his time in helping students one-on-one or in study groups, and exhibiting the spiritual gift of presence. In 1998, he was recognized for 35 years of service during the President's Chapel. An excerpt from the program states, "Every physician and dentist who is an SPU graduate of the last 35 years has been a student of Paul's, and was successfully prepared for professional school admissions tests by him.....Paul is also famous for his humorous addresses and essays such as the classic 'Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road.'"

He was admired and respected by faculty colleagues for his good humor, integrity, transparent lack of guile, keen intellect, depth and breadth of knowledge, and humility.

A memorial service for Paul was held July 27 at United Church in Seattle.

Volume #46 , Issue #27 | Published by: University Communications

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