Campus News & Events
SPU Smart Start website, newsletter
As the university prepares for Autumn Quarter, a new website and weekly newsletter have been created to provide the latest information for students, faculty, and staff. The SPU Smart Start website will be updated regularly, and the will be published on Thursdays. If you have information to submit or questions, contact Tracy Norlen in University Communications at tcnorlen@spu.edu.
SPU begins master plan process
As required by the city of Seattle, SPU is beginning the process of preparing a new major institution master plan (MIMP) for the University. MIMPs lay out unique, institution-specific zoning rules in order to balance institutional development with preservation of adjacent neighborhoods. Signs announcing the start of the MIMP will be going up around campus.
Aug. 19: CIS Virtual Mini-Conference
Join Computer and Information Systems on Wednesday, August 19, for a . Previously covered technology tools, topics, and recommendations will be covered again in 45-minute lessons, and there will be three newly offered sessions.
In the first session, learn how to navigate Microsoft Teams as a communication tool with instant messaging and video calling, and get a sneak peek into the upcoming SPU phone system transition to VoIP calling with Microsoft Teams. The second new session will introduce Microsoft Bookings, an Office 365 tool that allows others to easily view your availability and schedule appointments online. The third will discuss features of SPU classroom technology for the upcoming year.
All sessions will be held online via Zoom. See the complete schedule and . View . If there are any sessions you would like to attend but are unable to because of scheduling conflicts, or if you have any questions, please contact Allison Pincus in CIS at pincusa@spu.edu.
Campus tree pruning
The annual tree pruning work around campus is now underway and will continue through August 14 in the following campus locations:
- Tiffany Loop
- Along W. Bertona, W. Cremona, W. Dravus, and Nickerson streets
- Dravus lot
- Around residence halls and associated parking lots
You may notice temporary “no parking” signs placed in campus lots and nearby streets, as well as areas taped off to keep pedestrians at a safe distance from the work.
Information about transitioning to Teams Calling
Computer and Information Systems will roll out a new voice communications platform in the next few months. Microsoft’s Teams Calling phone system will be deployed to handle voice-over IP (VoIP) calling, video calling, voicemail, and more. Beginning in August, CIS will be in contact with each department and school to ensure that calling scenarios are accounted for in the migration. If your departmental needs dictate a specific migration timeline (ex. before the start of Autumn Quarter), contact James Lim at jameslim@spu.edu and Josh Kanehen at kanehj@spu.edu.
Learn more and watch a three-minute video about making calls in Microsoft Teams by visiting the .
First-Generation icon for faculty and staff
From the Office of the Provost: Designed last fall by first-generation student Chloe Guillot, an
awesome first generation icon has been developed. This new icon serves as a wonderful way to show our community how much pride we take in our “First Gen” staff and faculty. If you are a first-in-family or first-generation college graduate and would like UC to update your contact info to include this icon, email provost@spu.edu. Check out how this icon was rolled out on the Admissions website.
Reminder: Online self-attestation before coming to campus
All faculty and staff who come to campus must complete an online self-screening to attest that they meet certain criteria for being on campus (e.g., not exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms). SPU has developed a campuswide tool through Banner and Formstack to report a daily COVID-19 self-attestation for all faculty and staff working on campus (including Camp Casey or Blakely Island). Faculty and staff members should perform the online self-attestation any day they plan to come to campus before they arrive on campus. Also, deans and supervisors will be responsible for monitoring that employees in their areas are completing the self-attestation form.
Reminder of COVID-19 training for faculty, staff
Faculty and staff members must complete COVID-19 training prior to returning to campus after working remotely. To take the COVID-19 training, and select “Learning Plan” in the top menu, and then select “Safety Short: Coronaviruses and COVID-19.” The training takes about 30 minutes. Once you complete the training, a report will be sent to Human Resources. You can also print a completion report. If you have any questions or issues about this training, contact Gary Womelsduff, director of Human Resources, at womelg@spu.edu.
July 2020 Praxis newsletter
The School of Health Sciences is celebrating the service of several faculty members who are moving into retirement or to new practice and scholarly endeavors. Antwinett Lee, assistant professor of nursing, will serve as interim dean as Lorie Wild transitions to retirement. And SHS is welcoming a number of new faculty, as well. Read about these changes and more in the latest issue of Nursing Praxis.
Summer On Point e-newsletter
School of Education faculty and staff have had to stay on their toes to respond and adapt to a constantly changing environment. As SOE Dean Nyaradzo Mvududu writes, “What a year we are having!” Read more about their unique challenges in the latest issue of the On Point e-newsletter.
Sitecore video tutorials now available
You can now find five video Sitecore tutorials on the University Communications website under Website Assistance. If you need to make an update to your school, department, or office website — but it’s been awhile since you had one-on-one Sitecore training — these short videos can help. The tutorials cover getting started, updating web pages, uploading images, and more.
Faculty/Staff Bulletin on summer schedule
The Faculty/Staff Bulletin, published weekly during the academic year, will be published every other week during the summer until September 7. The next Bulletin will be published Monday, August 24, and the deadline is Thursday, August 20. If you have information or event news, send it as soon as possible to Bulletin editor Tracy Norlen at fsb-editor@spu.edu. Submissions may be edited for clarity.
Faculty & Staff News
Shrestha named August 2020 Staff Member of the Month
In recognition of her service to the SPU community, Rashmi Shrestha, assistant to the vice provost for Academic Affairs, was nominated by her peers and selected by Staff Council as the August Staff Member of the Month. Congratulations, and thank you, Rashmi! and nominate a colleague for recognition on the Staff Council website.
Welcome, new staff members!
Please join the Office of Human Resources in welcoming the following new staff members:
- Rebeca Gonzalez, administrative assistant, School of Health Sciences.
- Hailey Gaines, assistant volleyball coach, Athletics
- Bianca Mendez De La Torre, assistant athletic trainer, Athletics
- Mykylie Zelaya, interim worship and production coordinator, University Ministries
SPU in the News
Salter McNeil quoted in Christianity Today, Washington Post
Brenda Salter McNeil, associate professor of reconciliation studies, was quoted in a Religion News Service story titled "Promise Keepers' Comeback Event Goes Virtual." The story appeared in and on July 31, as well as several other news outlets.