Campus News & Events
SPU Voices podcast: "The Bible You Thought You Knew," with Prof. Emeritus Frank Spina
features Prof. Emeritus Frank Spina talking about life after leaving SPU, failing retirement, his new book, and unpacks several well-known Bible stories. Frank was a professor of Old Testament at SPU for more than 45 years. He often heard from students that he had taught their parents — or their grandparents. Considered tough and fair, he was named Professor of the Year by these very students. Frank is an Episcopal priest, serving as interim priest at St. Aidan's in Camano Island. He speaks regularly in the Northwest and beyond and currently hosts a podcast called “.”
Southend, Eastside vanpools looking for more riders
It you live on the Eastside on in the Southend, consider joining a vanpool.
Eastside: Do you live on the Eastside and commute across the Highway 520 bridge (or choosing to drive around to avoid the toll)? If so, you could be saving as much as $300 a month by joining a vanpool. The vanpool is completely free to SPU employees which means the 520 toll, gas, campus parking, and car maintenance are all covered through the Trip Reduction Program. Part-time riders are also welcomed. The vanpool meets at the South Kirkland Park and Ride, Monday–Friday at 7:05 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. work schedule. If you’d like to know more, email Lynn Anselmi at lynnnanselmi@spu.edu. Benefits of vanpooling can be found at .
Southend: Do you travel to SPU from the Southend and are tired of traffic, or maybe you take the bus or Sounder and would like to join a vanshare from the King Street Station to SPU and back? If so, my vanshare is in need of new riders/drivers who can join ASAP. I travel in a couple days per week (usually Wed. and Thur.) and I'm currently the main and only driver. Below is our van information.
Leave King Street Station: 7:20 a.m.+
Arrive at SPU: 7:30-7:45 a.m.
Leave SPU: 4 p.m. from the WAC parking lot
Arrive King Street Station: 4:25 p.m.+ (depending on traffic)
If you currently drive and would like to save money on gas, or if you already take the bus or train and would like to join the vanshare, please contact me, Teresa Lewis, at tlewis7@spu.edu so I can get you signed up. You will need an ORCA card from Safety and Security to join a vanshare — information can be found here. If you are interested and have any questions, or would like more information, please feel free to contact me.
Monthly deadlines for payroll, benefits changes
The 10th of each month is the last day to make changes to your upcoming payroll check. Do you need to add or remove your spouse and/or children from your health care plans? If so, contact Human Resources (HR) to complete the appropriate form. Changes might include events that are expected to impact your benefits and deductions, such as your spouse or children gaining or losing coverage due to employment, birth, marriage, etc.
Additionally, any changes to your 403b account may take up to seven days to be provided to SPU for processing, so please contact Transamerica by the first of the month prior to your requested change. For changes to your 403(b) account, contact Transamerica Retirement Solutions at 1-888-676-5512 (5 a.m.–6 p.m. PST), or 1-800-755-5801. If you have any other benefits-related changes, call Cherylin Shdo in HR at 206-281-2816.
Faculty/Staff Bulletin on summer schedule. Next deadline: Aug. 3
The Faculty/Staff Bulletin is published every other week during the summer. The next deadline is Thursday, Aug. 3, and the next issue will be published Monday, Aug. 7.
If you have information or event news, send it as soon as possible with an image or graphic to Bulletin editor Tracy Norlen at fsb-editor@spu.edu. Submissions may be edited for clarity.
Faculty & Staff News
Porterfield interviewed for SPU Stories
In her first public interview as president of SPU, Dr. Deana Porterfield answered questions for SPU's digital publication, SPU Stories. She talks about her journey to SPU, her new role as president, and her faith. Read "."
Carlson named new director of Camp Casey and Fort Casey Inn
A message from Lynn Ernsting, executive director of University Services: University Services would like to share that Jake Carlson has taken the position of director of Camp Casey Conference Center and Fort Casey Inn. Jake has served SPU as the assistant dean of undergraduate programs in the School of Business, Government, and Economics for the last five years and is now in the midst of transitioning to Whidbey Island to lead the Conference Services team at Camp Casey.
Holmes receives Fulbright Specialist Award
Ramona Holmes, professor emerita of music education, is the recipient of a Fulbright Specialist Award. She will teach ethnomusicology and music education at the Odeion School of Music at the University of Free State in South Africa. Ramona is one of over 400 U.S. citizens who share expertise with host institutions abroad through the program each year. Recipients of the awards are selected on the basis of academic and professional achievement, demonstrated leadership in their field, and their potential to foster longterm cooperation between institutions in the U.S. and abroad. Congratulations, Ramona!
Causey's work selected for local exhibition
Four works by Virginia Causey, adjunct art professor, were selected for Bainbridge Island Museum of Art's first juried exhibition. Six jurors reviewed approximately 3,400 artworks, submitted by 606 artists from the Puget Sound region. The result is a diverse salon-style show, filling the majority of BIMA’s two gallery floors. The exhibit, "BIMA Spotlight," is part of BIMA’s 10th anniversary celebration. For more information and a full list of artists, .
Welcome, new staff members
Please join the Office of Human Resources in welcoming the following new staff members:
Kali Barber, compliance manager, Athletics
Jay Reafs, help desk manager, Computer & Information Systems
Katlin Richmond, assistant director, Learning Support Services