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Andrew McWhae

With a background in biology, Coursera student Andrew McWhae decided he wanted to take the next step in his career by working towards his Master’s in Data Science. Performance based admissions and the flexibility of the program allowed him to balance work, life, and school. Below, he shares his experience in advice for prospective students. 
When did you first enroll in the MS-DS program on the Coursera platform?
On the day it first launched.
Can you tell us about your educational and work experience background before you enrolled in this program?
I have an undergrad in biology, but I did take an introduction to computer science course and introductory statistics. I eventually realized that I like programming and dealing with data.
What initially drew you to this program?
The performance-based admission policy was appealing to me since I didn't quite meet all of the requirements that other universities had. I was able to start the program right away and was admitted afterwards. I also preferred to attend a public university rather than a private one.
Can you tell me how the MS-DS on Coursera program fits into your life?
I enjoy the flexibility (i.e. no assigned lecture/exam times). I've been able to do a bit of work on the side.
What are your favorite parts of the program?
The variety of courses. Data science is an interdisciplinary field with lots of areas.
Is there a specific project you have worked on that stands out to you?
The machine learning projects. They're a lot of work but they have you do a project from start to finish and include presenting your work.
What do you hope to do with your MS-DS degree?
Get a job as a data scientist somewhere. Maybe in health informatics since I have a background in biology.
Would you recommend this program to others?
Yes, as long as you don't need the structure of an on-campus program to keep motivated.
What’s one tip you have for students who are starting this program?
Don't be afraid to email the TA if you are stuck on something.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I'm happy with the program so far!

Photo of Andrew McWhae