"Redeeming Korean Constructs of Han, Nunchi, and Jeong: Lessons for Interpersonal and Communal Flourishing"
Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Upper Gwinn Commons
Han (Çêœ), nunchi (눈치), and jeong (ì •) are Korean constructs that profoundly shape Korean people’s lives. How might the understanding of these constructs offer lessons that generalize beyond the Korean setting, as we pursue intrapersonal, interpersonal, and communal flourishing? In this lecture, Prof. Kim will explore the features of these constructs, drawing from his academic field of psychology but also Korean media and arts. He will articulate the strengths and pitfalls associated with han, jeong, and nunchi. Whenever relevant, Prof. Kim will describe how the three constructs can be reimagined for faithful Christian living.
Q&A and reception to follow.