Mission and Values

Student Ministries exists to enter into the process of Christian spiritual formation with our students through creating on-campus opportunities for worship, discipleship, and reconciliation.

We humbly seek to do this work through:

  • Creating space for students to encounter God ... utilizing small groups, retreats, the celebration of Word and Sacrament, and both ancient and contemporary spiritual practices.
  • Serving as pastors and mentors... having long conversations, praying together, and wrestling with the big questions of life and faith.
  • Developing new leaders ... providing opportunities for students to use their gifts and passions to contribute to spiritual formation on this campus and elsewhere.
  • Contributing to a culture at SPU where students, staff, and faculty are hungry for God ... in the midst of our academic work may we all seek first the Kingdom!
As we pursue this work, we affirm:

  • Spiritual formation as a lifelong journey toward Christ likeness, not a one-time effort.
  • Relationships as the crucible wherein the Spirit shapes us on a daily basis.
  • Continually rooting ourselves in Scripture and the long history of Christian faith, while also growing in contextualized means of connecting with God.
  • The importance of hard questions, not having all the answers, and the ongoing process of wrestling with faith.
  • The Kingdom of God in all of its cultural fullness and expressions. The pursuit of diversity and inclusion is theologically foundational to our understanding of the gospel.

    Additionally, know that the Student Ministries team is available to meet with you for any of your pastoral needs. Just email us at studentministries@spu.edu or drop by the second floor of SUB.