Services available
Ask a research question: reach out to your discipline specific librarian or ask at the reference desk. Get help with writing at the Research, Reading & Writing Studio: in person at our collaborative writing space in the library on online via appointment. Access print and online materials and use Summit Borrowing (a network of regional libraries that share materials). The SPU Library building is available to students in a variety of ways: including listening and viewing spaces for records, CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes and plenty of space to study (with collaborative and quiet spaces). Students may for group study, specific media needs, and private meetings (e.g. interviews or attending an online class session).
Faculty, connect with your liaison librarian to learn more about how the library can help you and your students. Discover how the librarians are part of your teaching team and intersect with: ; digital literacy and ; access to materials and collection development.
Services by patron type
Summit visiting patrons
- Students, faculty, and staff from other have the same level of borrowing privileges as SPU undergraduate students.
Additionally, borrowers with the following affiliations are given the same level of service as community borrowers (at no charge):
- SPU President’s Circle
- SPU affiliated workers such as Food Services, Bookstore, and Landscaping
- Free Methodist pastors