Pre-REU Mentor Application To participate in this program, you must be a current CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ graduate student interested in mentoring an undergraduate through the REU (or similar) application process.For more information on this program and eligibility requirements, visit our Pre-REU Mentoring Program page. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Indicates required field First Name Last Name E-mail Graduate Major Year in Program Undergraduate Majors/Minors Undergraduate Institution(s) Gender Identity - Select -ManWomanNon-BinaryOtherPrefer Not To Say Please Describe (Optional) Are you Hispanic? - Select -YesNo Ethnicity American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Are you a first generation college student? - Select -YesNo U.S. Armed Forces Status - None -NoneVeteranOn Active DutyRetired Briefly describe your research and research areas of interest. Why are you interested in being a mentor? How many students would you be willing to mentor? Required Confirmations I agree to the program expectations for mentors shown on the Pre-REU Mentoring program site linked at the top of this form. I agree to participate in a one-hour training session.