Campus Life


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It's not easy to relocate to a new city, either from across the country or across the world. Needs for housing, information and childcare can be an overwhelming factor to determining a student's success or failure in college and grad school. Here are a few resources to make the transition to ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ a bit smoother. For more information on ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ and area attractions, please visit the .


Off-Campus Housing

  • - As a service funded through student fees, Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations provides a directory to available rentals in the larger ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ area, and advocates on behalf of students renting within the community.
  • CU Housing and Dining Services - CU's Housing and Dining Services offers Graduate and Family housing as part of a student housing plan.


  •  - The Children's Center on the CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Campus offers high quality childcare services to students, faculty and staff.


  •  - The daily newspaper for western ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ County.
  •  - As the college radio station for the University of Colorado, Radio1190 provides regular news and information about CU, as well as an array of eclectic music
