Take a Leave of Absence

Leaves of Absence

Students may  to take time off from CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ. The leave-of-absence process differs for undergraduate and graduate students:

  • Undergraduate students may take up to two semesters off plus summer after their last graded semester at CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ without having to apply for a leave of absence. Please refer to the return chart. Undergraduate students may choose to participate in certain optional CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ benefits during their semester(s) away.
  • Graduate students must receive a grade every fall and spring semester (W grades count) or apply for a leave of absence in order to return to CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ in the future without reapplying. A leave of absence is not required for summer semester; graduate students not taking summer classes are considered active students.

If you're called to military active duty, see the Military Personnel & Emergency Workers withdrawal information.

Taking a Leave of Absence

To apply for a leave of absence:

  1. Submit a withdrawal form.
  2. Submit a , if necessary:
    • Undergraduate students are not required to apply for a leave of absence; however, an application is required to maintain access to campus benefits.
    • Graduate students must apply for a leave of absence if they do not enroll in classes for a fall or spring semester.
  3. The form will be automatically sent to your department and then college. If approved, it'll be sent to the Office of the Registrar for processing, which can take 3–5 business days.

The benefits provided while on a leave of absence are subject to revision without notice. It is your responsibility to contact the department offering the benefit to discuss your individual needs.

By applying for a leave of absence, you may:

Many of the benefits available while on a leave of absence may require additional fees and approval. Please speak to the department that is offering the benefit for more information. A copy of the application from the Office of the Registrar may be required as proof to access benefits with certain departments.

A leave of absence does not:

  • Defer your loan status. If your loan status changes to repayment, please contact your loan provider to find out more about their policies and withdrawing.
  • Allow students who are withdrawn to retain their work-study award.

Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students


  • You're automatically eligible to return to the university within two semesters plus summer from your last graded semester at CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ without reapplying for admission.
  • Any student ordered to active duty or to state/national emergency relief is eligible.
  • You don't have to apply for a leave of absence in order to register for your return semester; however, in order to maintain access to optional benefits, a leave of absence application is required.


  • If you're a new, readmitted or transfer student and you drop all classes by the first drop deadline, you're not eligible to take a leave of absence.
  • You must be in good academic standing.

Required Approvals & Signatures

  • If you're a business, education or music student, you must must receive signatory permission for your dean after receiving department approval.

Degree-Seeking ​Graduate Students


  • You must receive a grade every fall and spring semester (W grades count) or apply for a leave of absence in order to return to CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ in the future without reapplying.
  • A leave of absence is not required for summer semester; graduate students not taking summer classes are considered active students. 
  • Any student ordered to active duty or to state/national emergency relief is eligible.


  • You must be in good academic standing.
  • You must have a GPA of 3.0 or above.
  • If you're a doctoral candidate and you've passed your comprehensive examination, you're only eligible if you're taking parental leave.
  • If you're a new, readmitted or transfer student and you drop all classes by the first drop deadline, you're not eligible to take a leave of absence.

If you have questions or extenuating situations, contact the Graduate School for further guidance (303-492-8220, gradinfo@colorado.edu).

Required Approvals & Signatures

  • International students will have their leave of absence form sent to ISSS and must receive form approval.
  • Law, MBA and graduate students will have their leave of absence form sent to their department and college for approval. Approval must be granted electronically before the Office of the Registrar can process your request.

You may complete a leave of absence application through the last day of classes for the term from which you're withdrawing; however, you're asked to file by the second week of school for CU Gold Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) purposes.

To avoid withdrawal fees, you must be withdrawn at least 10 days prior to the start of the term. After that, withdrawal fees are assessed based on the refund/assessment schedule for that term; refer to the applicable withdrawal calendar in the "Resources" sidebar.

Depending on when you withdraw from the term (not when you submit the application) and whether you owe money to the university, you may be entitled to a confirmation deposit refund. If the confirmation deposit is refunded, the refund will be sent about 6 to 8 weeks after the start of the fall or spring term from which you withdrew.

You must pay back your confirmation deposit if you return to the university and register for Main Campus classes.

Contact the Bursar's Office at bursar@colorado.edu or 303-492-5381 for information regarding a financial account.

The Office of the Registrar will automatically assign enrollment dates for your returning term and will send email reminder to your official colorado.edu email account in March for fall term, October for spring term, or February for summer term.

Holds may prevent you from registering, so check your account before your enrollment dates begin.

If you're unable to return by the deadline, you will be discontinued from the university. If you're discontinued and want to return to CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, you must reapply through the Office of Admissions (admissions@colorado.edu, 303-492-6301).

If you need to extend your return date (graduate students only):

  • Graduate, law, and MBA students who wish to extend their return date should submit a new  form. Graduate students should work with their department first to determine if a petition is required for the request.
  • When completing the form, be sure to indicate in the comment section that you are requesting an extension. If required, attach your documentation in the Petition section. The department and graduate school will then review your request. If approved, your request will be sent to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

In some cases, returning late may affect your residency classification for tuition purposes.